Have you ever felt like American Christianity was wrong, unsettling, moralizing, or fake?
That we are trying to create a culture that is simply legalistic and moral instead of loving and full of grace?
Did you know that we were given the name "Christian" as an insult?
"Oh, they are just being 'little Christ's'"
Hence the word Christian, "Christ like"
If that's an insult, bring it on.
Am I truly a Christian?
Am I truly Christ like?
The definition in and of itself is convicting.
Our entire existence on this planet revolves around bringing Him glory.
Do I do that?
Am I so wrapped up in tradition, or theology or school or relationships that I forget the simple definition of my religion?
I am to be like Christ.
I was journaling last night and God layed 1 Corinthians 13 on my heart as He often does to teach me more about His love.
Paul is writing this passage about the attribute of love.
God simply loves because that is His nature. He doesn't have to try, that's the essence of who He is.
He is love.
Everything written in that chapter is so countercultural to society.
I am not patient, nor am I always kind.
I insist on my own way.
I keep a tally of how many times someone hurts me.
I boast.
I idolize.
And I fail to love.
But He doesn't
And we will never comprehend what that looks like entirely.
But when we see a father holding his daughters hand, or a husband serving his wife, or a friend buying a homeless man a coke, we get a glimpse of Gods love.
And I smile because we also get a glimpse of heaven.
To be Christ like is to be countercultural.
I would rather be deemed crazy by society than to be seen as normal by God.
So here's to discovering what it means to be a Christian.
What is truly means to be a "little Christ"