Wednesday, March 13, 2013

21st birthday surprise!

Let me start by saying, I am not a morning person and this morning I snoozed for a little longer then I should have so I was in a hurry.
I got up and it was pitch black but in the corner by my dresser I saw a dark shadow and I thought I forgot to move my suitcase or Hilary set her back pack there. When I walked over I saw this...

I smiled and grabbed my shower stuff and opened my door.
21 balloons fell in my face and on the ground into my room, I laughed. Thanks Taylor :)

I was barricaded in my room by a few trash bags taped to the outside of my door. 
I carefully pulled the bags off my door and headed to the shower, little did I know, Chelsea was watching me the entire time.
This was taped to the door.

When I got back I turned on the light and started to look at everything by my dresser. 
I found 21 cans of diet coke (Amber knows me too well)

I also found 21 flowers from Lauren Benjamin :) 

Then I found instructions on each one of the gifts.
At 10:21, I opened Hilary's gift. 
21 bags of pretzel M&M's. My favorite candy!

At 11:21 I opened my gift from Sam.
21 My Little Pony stickers to use in my classroom, but only for the annoying boys ;)

At 3:21 I opened Cassie's gift.
21 socks! So yes, I have ten and a half pairs of socks...

AT 4:21 I opened Lauren Trainer's gift.
I love how she took out 3 pens out just to make it 21 ;)
She knows me too well, I really love colored pens.

At 6:21 I opened Chelsea's gift.
21 pictures! In chronological order from freshmen year until now :) 

At 7:21 I opened my last gift which was from Kristin. 
I do love popcorn. 

Thank you Lauren T, Chelsea, Lauren B, Sam, Taylor, Cassie, Amber, Kristin and Hilary. This was definitely one of the greatest gifts I have ever gotten and I am so grateful for each of you!

I have fun friends. They are very special and I love them.
