and we have so much fun whatever we do. Clearly, they were destined to be models.
This weekend I agreed to help out while they had wedding festivities to attend to and so I was there on a Saturday night which is not normal for me.
Julia and I had just gotten back from a bike ride and a mom and two kids came walking by and asked to pet Bentley and we agreed because he was the happiest pup alive to see a new face.
I started talking to the mom and it turns out she is the stepmom of the new boy in the neighborhood that Tanner has befriended.
We talked for a while and I knew the question she wanted to ask happens often.
Finally she asks me how i've managed to look so good for having a 12 year old son.
I told her, well he's not mine, I am only 21 and then we both laughed and she apologized for assuming.
It was starting to get dark, so we said our goodbyes and went inside.
Julia walks in and sits down and asks me what it means to have a stepmom.
I hold my breath when she asks questions like this.
I told her it's when a mom and a dad decide to not be married anymore, they get a divorce and then if the daddy marries again then the kids have a stepmom.
She then remembers that my parents are divorced and she asks if I have a stepmom.
I told her I do.
She then asks me if that makes me sad.
I told her no, I am not sad anymore.
She said she feels sad for me.
Then she asks me if that would ever happen to her mom and dad.
I told her it would not because her mom and dad love each other very much and they are very different from my parents.
She seemed to find comfort in that and told me she was sorry for me and that she loved me.
It took me a while to recover from this conversation because it was a sad moment for me.
Julia realized for one moment the world she pictures in her head isn't actually reality and for a small second she grew up faster then she should.
Things aren't always as simple and innocent as she thinks.
She teaches me. Her innocence, her spunk, her beauty, her kindness, and her beautiful heart.
When you look at life through the eyes of an 8 year old, you realize just how beautiful and innocent the world truly is and I want her to hold onto that beauty and innocence.

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