I am in the middle of two books. Two very different books.
I am reading The Reason for God by Timothy Keller and Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey.
While you might find the title of the second book a little strange, that's okay, I did too.
I picked it up out of curiosity.
Recently, I have been on a quest to redefine Christianity.
At least, redefine it in my own heart.
I'm fascinated by people stories.
What they have been through.
What they have overcome.
How they met Jesus.
Basically, their story of grace.
I am constantly reading blog posts and constantly trying to identify with someone.
But i've come to discover that my story and someone else's story will never look the same.
Sure, we have one thing in common, Jesus, but how I met Jesus and my encounter with Him, will never be the same as someone else's.
And I think that is how it was intended.
Whether I am a complementarian or an egalitarian, a calvinist or an arminian, whether I believe in predestination or free will, whether I am pre-tribulation or post-tribulation, a baptist or a presbyterian, doesn't matter.
What matters is my personal relationship with Jesus and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit inside my heart.
I picked up a copy of Jesus Feminist completely out of curiosity, but what I've discovered by reading her book is that Sarah Bessey loves Jesus and has a heart for the Lord.
She is passionately seeking His will the only way she knows how.
She is fighting for what she believes is right and for that, I respect her.
I understand the entire reason behind her book because I understand her story.
People do not make sense without their stories.
So share yours.
With your best friend, with a person you met a month ago, with the random man you met in Walmart.
You never know how much your story can bless someone else or how much freedom can come from leaning into the pain.
Sharing our story with others and getting to know others will keep both of us from dehumanizing, lambasting, or pigeonholing each other. It's hard to demonize someone with whom you break bread. These are good words. Thank you, Melanie