Tuesday, January 3, 2012


More recently I have discovered something about myself, I avoid situations that are difficult for me to handle emotionally and I run from my feelings, afraid to express how I am truly feeling.
I have trouble sitting with my emotions and allowing myself to feel.

I'm reading a book I got for Christmas called The Contented Soul by Lisa Graham McMinn. In this book she has this to say about struggle, "but could we be more mindful of our physical existence, not always rush to eradicate discomfort but embrace bodies that are responding to a broken world that cries out for redemption?"

If you are anything like me, you run from problems and stuff them deep inside until you literally cannot take it anymore and one day, you just explode. This seems to be a common occurrence with me. It's something i've begun to recognize in myself and i'm learning to embrace my newly found emotions. I'm learning that it is okay to hurt and to resist the temptation to escape or fix the situation. When I have a day that I am just sad I begin to look for little moments of joy and hope. A few things I like to do when i'm hurting is...
write in my journal
sing at the top of my lungs
drive to get a dollar seven
grab a friend and talk
turn my phone off so I can think
write notes to those I love

I'm not an expert when it comes to hurt. Most of the time I can give the advice I need to hear, but I cannot hear it for myself.
I'm praying God will teach me how to hurt and experience emotions.

"Because the world is broken, we will not experience the full joy we were created for, but because our contentment comes from an awareness of a personal, ever-present God, we can rest in contentment even when our circumstances include suffering and loss"
-Lisa McMinn


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