Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A simple text

My ten year old little brother texted me today and as some of you may know, this made me smile :)
He lives with my dad in Florida, so although I do not get to see him very often, he is still very special to me.

For Christmas, my parents bought him a kindle fire. They discovered, if he has wifi, he can text his sisters! Every now and then I get a text from him and it always makes my day.

The other weekend he traveled for swim and my stepmom was texting me giving me updates. I tried to watch his race live, but it wasn't working on my laptop. My stepmom then proceeded to tell me he was chasing girls around the hotel. Who knew ten was the magic number where girls went from "having cooties" to being chased! Didn't even know we were there yet! Last time I checked, girls were "gross".
I texted him and told him to stop chasing girls. He just responded to me tonight saying "hi sis, i'm not chasing girls"
Good to know :)

Ben is intelligent, funny, silly, athletic, crazy, and a fun little brother. I miss him daily but I am thankful we can stay in touch.

My sister Jordan, little brother Nick, and Ben on the right

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